
New HHMH Children and Youth Activities Specialist

Dear Ministers, Temple Presidents, Presidents of the Lay Associations, BWA, and Jr. YBA,

I am excited to officially announce that the HHMH welcomes Emi Hashi as the new Children and Youth Activities Specialist (Youth Specialist).

Many of you may have known Emi already since she was a very active participant in the HHMH programs, such as Jr. YBA (Maui & Federation President), YBICSE, BWA Exchange Student, YESS Camp counselor, and BSC Fellowship Club. She is originally from Maui (She and her family are very devoted members of the Makawao Hongwanji Mission) and currently participates in the Aiea Hongwanji Mission’s services and programs.

Her official starting date will be Wednesday, October 4, 2023, and her office will be at the BSC. Emi’s employment status would be a part-time employee. She will work on Mondays and Wednesdays for this semester. Her email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and her work phone number is 808-973-6555.

As the Youth Specialist, Emi will develop, organize, and direct youth and youth-related activities such as Jr. YBA, YESS Camp, BSC Fellowship Club, Dharma School, and Young Adults. She will assist the operation of the BSC and OBE in matters relating to children, college students, and young adults.

I would like to ask you, the ministers and leaders of the HHMH, to please welcome Emi. I sincerely hope that this new assignment will be beneficial for the HHMH in propagating the teaching of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, especially to the children and young adults who will bear the future of the HHMH.

Contact Information:
-Pack Registration: (808) 280-1299 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
-Troop Registration: (808) 250-1891 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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