
Sakura 4-H Clubs ~ Moments in Time

In November the Lōkahi Girls learned about the Maui County 4-H Teach-in event that will be held in Spring of 2024. The girls individually or in pairs will be judged on their presentation of a topic or poem in front of an audience of other 4-H participants, families and friends.

They also began planning for their care and comfort packages that they raised funds for in October’s BWA Craft Fair and continued this work in December. The girls assembled 18 packages for children affected by the Lahaina and Upcountry fires. While they put their best efforts in writing cards and filling the packages with items like art kits, cards, journals and stuffies they also had moments to really think about the children and gave 100% in their work and thoughts for them. All packages have found their way to the 18 children.

Both the Lōkahi and Aloha Girls attended the 4-H County sponsored Christmas event and had enjoyed meeting other 4-H girls from other clubs, decorating gingerbread houses, playing games, and working together! Thank you to the Maui Girls 4-H Group for hosting this County event.

The Sakura 4-H Clubs wish everyone Health and Happiness in the New Year - New is the year, new are our hopes, new are the resolutions, and new are our warm wishes for you. Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimashita!

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