
Flowers and Eggs

Dharma school students gathered for WHM’s Hanamatsuri Sunday Service to celebrate the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha. Sophia, Sam Marie, and Tate arrived early to help decorate the Hanamido (baby Buddha’s altar) which houses the baby Buddha standing in an ornate metal bowl filled with sweet tea. The finished product was beautifully decorated with flowers and greens collected from around their homes. Aunty Faith shared some golden proteas and Cooper added more flowers when he arrived.

After refreshments, students proceeded to Rev. Murakami’s back yard and the adjacent lawn area to participate in the DS Hanamatsuri Egg Hunt. Nearly 200 eggs filled with candies and some with money had been hidden earlier by dharma school fathers. One special egg with a picture of Shinran Shonin and another with a picture of Shakyamuni Buddha were hidden in two separate areas (one for olders and one for youngers). Winners of $10 Target gift cards were Risa, 4th grader, and Cooper, preschool. It was a delightful day to celebrate Hanamatsuri! 

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